Community Participation on Value Added of Community’s Product followed by the Guidelines of Community Tourism OTOP Nawat Witee: A Case Study of Ban Wang Khon, Moo 11,Pho Chon Kai Subdistrict, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri Province

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Sukunya Payungsin


       The purposes of this research were to (1) examine community’s current situations and identity in Ban Wang Khon, Moo 11, Pho Chon Kai subdistrict, Bang Rachan district, Sing Buri province, (2) study community members’ participation on marketing management of Ban Wang Khon, Moo 11, Pho Chon Kai subdistrict, Bang Rachan district, Sing Buri province, and (3) provide guidelines on value added of community’s product from Ban Wang Khon, Moo 11, Pho Chon Kai subdistrict, Bang Rachan district, Sing Buri province. This study was a mixed methods research. According to the quantitative research, samples consisted of 400 tourists. The research instrument was a set of questionnaire. According to the qualitative research, samples were community members. The research instrument was an in-depth interview. Quantitative data was analyzed in term of descriptive statistics. Moreover, Qualitative data was analyzed in term of content analysis.
               The research results showed that, first, in the current situations of Ban Wang Khon, there was a group of people gathered together. They all participated and prepared to change their community in accordance with the Guidelines of Community Tourism OTOP Nawat Witee. In the aspect of community identity, this village had the interesting ancient history. People in the community were friendly. They had their own local recipes. Second, the community members’ participation on marketing management could be seen in brainstorming and managing within the community enterprise group and marketing. Each member was assigned to do their job from production processes to community product distribution and sales. Third, in the guidelines on value added of community’s product, members’ in the community enterprise group actually want to participate on designing of product brand and packaging.  They did not have their own product brand to add value to their product and present community identity. Members and Customers satisfaction on brand design was at high level, the product brand and packaging were developed to present Ban Wang Khon identity. Furthermore, the product brand could use with other products in the community and was accepted by customers.

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