The Impact of Ownership Structure on Accounting Conservatism of Thai Listed Companies

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Anuwat Phakdee
Waeowaree thongpradit
Thittaya Rungdettanalai


       The main objective of this research is to examine the impact of ownership structures on accounting conservatism of the listed companies of Thailand using 802 samples during 2016 – 2017 from listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand all of which are non-financial companies. The data is collected from annual financial statements and annual report form 56-1. The research used multiple regression analysis to analyze the data. This study focuses on four variables: institutional ownership, foreign ownership, government ownership, and concentration of ownership.
       The results of this research show that Government Ownership and Concentration of Ownership have a statistically significant positive effect on accounting conservatism. In addition, the results also reveal that the control variables growth, firm size, and profitability have a statistically significant negative on accounting conservatism. On the other hand, the leverage ratio has a statistically significant positive effect on accounting conservatism.

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