Challenging of Financial Auditors in Fraud Auditing with Statements in New Normal Time

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Songkran Gaivong


Fraud in the financial statement is usually undetectable or difficult to be detected. Fraud arises from the intentions of individual or group of people to gain the benefits for oneself or the group. This article purpose is to examine the challenges of the auditors against fraud in the new norm life era. The study derived from the collected information of the academic articles, research papers, Thailand accounting standards and Thailand auditing standards related to fraud and auditing’s in the financial statements. That information has been analyzed to which subjected the current situations. It found that there were 3 essential challenges. 1) Apply new technology tools to derive the document evident 2) Conducting the auditing and reviewing the quality of work requires more time and more considerations. 3) fraud caused by the organization top’ management interception. This class of fraud expressed a significant affect to the financial statement. The auditors shall make a concise correct direction to what the audit findings and supported evidences. The auditors shall deny to work with the frauded cases that he or she cannot work properly. To do such the way, auditors shall consider the constrain of the related rules or acts.

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