Needs to Enhance Core Competency of Competency-based Curriculum Framework in High School Students
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) to assess the need for enhancing core competency of competency-based curriculum framework in high school students; 2) to compare essential needs classified into gender and grade level. The sample consisted of 227 upper-secondary school students in special large secondary school. The research instruments were questionnaires. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Priority Needs Values (PNImodified). The results of this research indicated that 1) the needs for enhance core competency of competency-based curriculum Framework in high school students can be arranged from the most to the least desirable in the following order, self-management (PNImodified = 0.22), sustainable coexistence with nature and science (0.19), higher order thinking (0.18), teamwork and collaboration (0.15), active citizen (0.12), and communication (0.12). 2) the result compares essential needs classified into gender and grade level found the order of the need for enhance core competency of competency-based curriculum framework in high school students not different. This finding points to need to improve self-management and the highest to needed component: problem and crisis management.
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