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Pimchanok Aekkarukpanit


       The purposes of this research are; 1) Study the acceptance level of electronic service system (e-Service), named “BKK Connect” and “BMA Q” and 2) Analyze the factors that affect to the acceptance of electronic service system (e-Service) named “BKK Connect” and “BMA Q”. This research is quantitative research using questionnaire as a tool for data collection. 400 samples are collected from people who reside in Bangkok. The descriptive statistics employed in the data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, along with the analysis methodologies include Independent Samples T-test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple regression analysis.

               The results show that E- service users of BMA Connect and BMA Q applications has an overall high opinion toward the factors affecting the acceptance of electronic service systems (e-Service) (  = 3.84 ). Personal factors such as gender, age, education level, and monthly income showed no difference in factors affecting the acceptance of electronic service systems (e-Service). While the Users' occupations affected the acceptance of the electronic service system (e-Service) differently. The result from Multiple regression analysis found that the effectiveness expectation, motivation, entertainment, personal character, and perceived risk factors significantly affected to acceptance of electronic service system (e-Service) BMA Connect and BMA Q applications at .05 significant level.

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