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Chanaporn Lerkplean
Chuanchuen Akkawanitcha


       This study aims to study (1) the influence of work environment, knowledge sharing and work motivation on the employee innovative behavior (2) the influence of employee innovative behavior on the task performance and organizational commitment. The quantitative research method is employed and using questionnaires as instrument to collect data. The samples are 400 employees of government savings bank. By using method of quota sampling design from employees in 4 provinces : Nakhon Pathom Province Nonthaburi Province Suphanburi Province and Kanchanaburi Province of Region 5 Bank, then using convenience sampling design. Data is analyzed by using the structural equation modeling (SEM)

       The results showed that the level of of work environment, knowledge sharing, work motivation, employee innovative behavior, task performance and organizational commitment are high level. The results of hypotheses testing have found that work environment, knowledge sharing, work motivation have a positive influence on employee innovative behavior.Furthermore, Employee innovative behavior have a positive influence on task performance and organizational commitment statistically significant.

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