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Napatsawan Suwanakiri
Wanlapa Hattakipanitchakul


       This research aims to study the factors influencing consumer’s purchasing decision of fine jewelry in Bangkok Metropolis. The hypothesis covered Demographic factors that influence the marketing mix factors (7Ps), motivations, and Reference group. The samples in the study are those who bought fine jewelry in the price range of 100,000-350,000 baht in Bangkok by conducting a survey through an online questionnaire via Line application group of jewelry shop and 400 sample are completely collected in total. Collective comparison statistics Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test, One-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze those variables.

       Results of the research found that 1) Most of the sample are female, aged between 50-59 years old, graduated in bachelor's degree. self-employed, single and their average monthly income is more than 50,001 baht, 2) Consumers prefer to buy jewelry made of gold containing the most diamonds. Rings are the most popular type of jewelry. According to the surveys, samples usually purchase fine jewelery base on their statisfaction. Samples tend to use fine jewelery to decorate themselves. In addition, most of the samples use credit/debit card as a medium to make a purchase. The purchase frequency is 1-2 times/year and the average price is in the price range 100,000-150,000 baht, 3) Marketing mix factors Product aspect, price aspect, and marketing promotion can lead to prediction of consumers' purchasing decisions of Fine Jewelry by 21.3% 4) motivation factors which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation result in 43.7 percent of consumers' purchasing decision level can be predicted. 5) Reference group includes the direct reference group and the indirect reference group are able to predict the level of consumer purchasing decision by 25.5% marketing mix factors (7Ps) motivation and Reference group. All of these factors influence the purchasing decision of fine jewelry among consumers in Bangkok. statistically significant level at 0.05

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