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Darsaniya Punyadarsaniya
Wasita Boonsathorn


This research aims to explore the meaning of work passion and examine the factors contributing to the work passion of veterinarians in animal hospitals. Qualitative analysis was performed with in-depth interviews of 11 veterinarian samples in 7 veterinary hospitals.

The results revealed that the meaning of the work passion model for veterinarians could be defined using the model called PE3TS: Pride, Enjoyment, Energetic, Eagerness to Learn, Task-Focus, and Self-Motivation. Moreover, the factors model that drives veterinarians' work passion in the animal hospital were VETERINARY: Valuable work, Encouragement from Supervisor, Teamwork Expectations, Role Model, Instrument on-demand, Novel knowledge, Autonomy, Recognition, and Yield upon investment. The animal hospitals can apply this information to the strategic development plan and enhancing veterinarians' work passion in the animal hospital.

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