The Development of Agricultural Tourist Attraction of White Grapefruit Cucumber in Chainat Province

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Staporn Tawonatiwas
Suphaporn Khampliw


       The aim of the action research was to 1) To evaluate the quality of tourist attraction, 2) To develop the project for the agricultural tourist attraction, 3) To develop the farmers and tourist areas into the agritourism, and 4) To evaluate the development of agricultural tourist attraction of white grapefruit cucumber in Chain at province. The population of this research was 80 farmers using the area that has been evaluated the four potential gardens. The statistical methodology used to analyze the data by the descriptive statistics were mean and standard deviation.

       The findings of this research showed that 1) In the aspect of the evaluation of the quality of tourist attraction, it can be found that four significant issues in the white grapefruit cucumber garden was still lacking in carrying tourists as follows: the tourist map, the demonstration activities, the product sales areas, and garden lecturers. 2) The outcomes of the development of agricultural tourist attraction could be categorized into two projects and four activities as follows: 1.1) The area development project was: the development of demonstration activities and the development of the tourism map, and 1.2) The potential farmers development project was: the development of marketing channels and agricultural tourism destinations and garden lecturers. 3) The outcome of the farmers and agritourism development areas found that the area development project organized the development of the demonstrative activities as follows: the plant propagation, looking after the pomelo, the tourism mapping development with the walking direction taken to create the sign of tourist attraction. In addition, the potential farmers development project organized the activities in order to promote the development of marketing channel and agricultural tourist attractions, and, 4) In the aspect of the evaluation of the development of the agricultural tourist attractions, the satisfaction assessment of the tourist attractions found that Puangchat garden was the first, Suksamrarn garden was the second and the third was Bunserm garden respectively. The outcomes of the satisfaction assessment of the tourist attractions were at the high level. Furthermore, the evaluation of the knowledge’s farmer by developing the tourist attraction found that the score of posttest was higher than the score of the pretest.

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