The Development of Activities base on Motif Notation Concept to develop Creativity for Secondary Students

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Siyaporn Chompoo
Dharakorn Chandnasaro


       The objective of this research are as follows: (1) Development of activities from the concept of Motive Notation to develop the creativity of junior high school students. (2) Comparison of academic achievement before and after the activity from the concept of Motive Notation to develop creativity. This research uses an experimental research model. The researcher used the Purposive Sampling group as a secondary school student in grades 7-9 in elective courses Modern Dance International Education Project, Demonstration School of Kasetsart University, consisting of 15 people and Research tool is Organizing activities from the concept of Motive Notation of junior high school students and observing behavior, measurement skills, creative ideas before and after the activity. In which the researchers organized 12 activities, 60 minutes for each activity, taking time to collect data to analyze Information, using average statistics, Standard deviation, and t-test.

       The results revealed the following: (1) Creating and designing activities from the concept of Motive Notation to develop creativity. In which the researcher brings the theory of intellectual structures with 4 components Originality, Fluency, Flexibility, and Elaboration to design activities that focus on the body free from observing the symbols and vocabulary according to the concept able to measure the creative level of junior high school students. (2) The comparison of learning achievements before and after using the activity from the concept of Motive Notation found that after the use of Motivation activities to develop ideas. Creating a sample group in research has a significant average score at the level of 0.01 to encourage learners to develop creativity and Enhance body movement skills until able to create their own gestures.

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