The Development of Chandrakasem Rajabhat Students’ English Capacities from Scaffolding Learning through English Project Work

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Ketsuda Dechakomphu


       The objectives of this research were (1)  to compare speaking capacities before and after learning with scaffolding learning through English project work (2) to survey the students satisfaction toward ๖learning with scaffolding learning  through English project work. The study sampling consisted of 115 students who registered the course GELE1002 (English for Work). They were selected by purposive sampling and were divided into 13 groups consisting of 9 people for 11 groups and 8 people for 2 groups. The research instruments were  1) a speaking test used as a pretest and posttest, 2) a lesson plan concerning scaffolding strategies in learning and doing a project work 3) an assessment rubric of English speaking skills 4) a project assessment rubric  5) a satisfactory survey towards learning with scaffolding learning  through English project work. The obtained data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, percentage and T-test as dependent sample.  

       The results of the study were as follows: (1) The students’ English speaking capacities after learning with scaffolding learning  through English project work were significantly higher than before learning at the level of 05 (2) The students’ satisfaction toward  learning with scaffolding strategies in doing project were at the high level with an average of 3.91 (S.D.= 0.64)

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