Buddhist principles and strengthening the learning organization: Learning and team building dimensions for administrators

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Thitiwas sukpom
Nattakorn Papan
Natthapat Saisena
Apicharti Hajaturus
Sirinporn Hajaturus
Anek Thianboocha
Reongwit Nilkote
Wariyaphat Woraphatsorakul


       Organization of Learning is a concept of organizational development that aims to enable organizations and personnel to achieve effective working processes and efficiency, which is reflected in the patterns of team working, empowerment of personnel to learn, personnel to be ready for changes that can occur, and empowerment of teams within the organization. Buddhist principles are considered to be a repository of knowledge that can be applied in a variety of ways, such as education, family development, etc. Buddhist principles aim to empower individuals to develop themselves, develop communities to learn and be strengthened. It is in line with the objectives of the learning organization, which is to guide the opportunity for the development of best practices, the development and creation of a core competence, the having a process of determining the direction of being the learning organization, good organizational communication, and systemic learning in the organization.

       The purpose of this article is to present guidelines for the application of Buddhist principles in integration into executive learning organizations. The results of the study reflect that the key principles, including Ariyasajja; the Noble Truths, Itthibada; the basis for success, Saraniyadhamma; the moral principle for fraternal living, and Sanghavattu; the virtues making for group integration and leadership are all principles that can be developed into a sustainable learning organization.

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