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The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the level of knowledge about thyroid disease, knowledge about warning signs of thyroid disease and behaviors to prevent thyroid disease of village health volunteers in a sub-district, Hankha District, Chainat Province and 2) to study factors related to thyroid disease prevention behavior of village health volunteers in a sub-district, Hankha District, Chainat Province. The samples in this study were 104 village health volunteers in a sub-district, both males and females, acquired by simple random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire divided into 4 parts: 1) general information of the respondents, 2) knowledge and understanding about thyroid disease, 3) knowledge and understanding about warning signs of thyroid disease, and 4) questions about thyroid disease prevention behavior. Statistics used for analysis included number, percentage, minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, median and chi-square test.
The results of the study showed that most village health volunteers had a moderate level of knowledge and understanding about thyroid disease and warning signs of thyroid disease (51.92% and 52.89%, respectively) and a moderate level of thyroid disease prevention behavior (67.31%). The factors that showed a statistically significant relationship with thyroid disease prevention behaviors include congenital disease and exercise. However, knowledge about thyroid disease and warning signs of thyroid disease were not related to thyroid disease prevention behavior of village health volunteers.
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