The comparison of Academic Achievement in Thai Language on the Topic of Complex Sentences Among Grade 9 Students at Mathayomwatsing School Taught Using the Developed Instructional Package and Conventional Instructional Method

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Monthakarn Sirimongkol
Siriphat Jessadawirot


            The objectives of this research were 1) to develop an effective Thai language instructional package on the topic of complex sentences for Grade 9 students that meets the 80/80 criteria, 2) to compare the academic achievement in Thai language on the topic of complex sentences of Grade 9 students taught using the instructional package and the conventional instructional method, 3) to compare the satisfaction levels of grade 9 students on the topic of complex sentences taught using the instructional package and the conventional instructional method. The sample was selected using simple random sampling by drawing lots, resulting in two classes. The experimental group, consisting of 48 students, was taught using the Thai language instructional package on complex sentences, while the control group, also consisting of 48 students, was taught using the conventional method. The tools used in the research included: 1) A Thai language instructional package on the topic of complex sentences developed by the researcher; 2) A lesson plan using conventional instructional methods on the topic of complex sentences; 3) A test measuring academic achievement on complex sentences, consisting of 30 items with a reliability coefficient of 0.72; 4) A survey assessing the satisfaction levels of students in both the experimental and control groups using a satisfaction measure for the Thai language subject on complex sentences for Grade 9 students. The survey covered four areas: teaching activities, classroom atmosphere, assessment methods, and perceived benefits, with 20 questions. The satisfaction measure used a 5-point Likert scale. The research design used was experimental research. Data was analyzed using mean, percentage, standard deviation, and an independent t-test.
      Research findings were: 1) The effectiveness (E1/E2) of the Thai language instructional package on complex sentences for Grade 9 students was 81.67/81.94, meeting the set criteria of 80/80. 2) The academic achievement in Thai language on complex sentences of Grade 9 students taught using the instructional package was statistically significantly higher at the .05 level than those taught using conventional methods. 3) The satisfaction comparison showed that, on average, students in the experimental group were most satisfied with the Thai language subject, with a mean rating of 4.63, which was higher than the control group students who rated their satisfaction as "high", with a mean of 4.49.

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