Indicators Development and Social Return on Investment Assessment of the Land Consolidation for Agricultural Projects in Ang Thong Province

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Sineenuch Khrutmuang Sanserm
Sudja Bunjongsiri


       The purpose of this research was to study and developed indicators and analyzed social return on investment of the land consolidation for agricultural project in Ang Thong Province. A purposive sample of 10 people was determined from the stakeholder population, namely farmers in the land consolidation area, officials from the Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, and Local Administrative Organizations and private organizations. The tool used were a group discussion forum to create indicators, group discussion , the resulting map analysis includes analysis of input factors, activities, outputs, indicators and monetary valuation, analysis of financial value according to indicators by analyzing excess results, substitute results, other supporting factors that affect achievement, and the rate of decline or stability in achievement. Then it is used to calculate the net present value using the discount interest rate. To analyze the social return ratio from investment.
       The results of the study found that various stakeholder groups include farmers in the land consolidation area, officials in the Land Consolidation and On-Farm Development Regional Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, and Local Administrative Organizations and private organizations had jointly determined indicators to assess social returns on investment, including economic society and environment indicators of each group. There were various groups of indicators as follows: farmers including various production costs, reducing various expenses, increased income; agency including reduced budget from integration; private sector including higher household income, increased profits, and reduced costs. Used such indicators to analyze the social returns of the land consolidation for agricultural project in Ang Thong Province found that the social return on investment (SROI) was 10.22 times, meaning that investing 1 baht in the project can create social benefits of 10.22 baht.

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