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Ponsaran Saranrom
Chalermsak Toomhirun
Sineenuch Khrutmuang Sanserm


     The objectives of this research were to study 1) the context of students in distance learning in new normal 2) the readiness of students in distance learning in new normal and 3) the opinions about the readiness of the curriculum of the distance learning in new normal. This research was mix-method research. The quantitative data were collected by using questionnaires from students who had registered to study in the subject of agricultural extension and development major in the year 2020 which had the population of bachelor degree students of 232 students. The sample size of 147 people was determined by using Taro Yamane formula with the error value of 0.05. For the students in master degree and doctorate degree levels, the study was done on the entire population with the total number of 176 people and 15 people, respectively. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.

     The results of the study found out that 1) students in bachelor, master, and doctorate levels had the average age of 34.56,34.29, and 37.26 years old, respectively. Their average income was 182,219.82, 270,760.00, and 484,230.77 Baht/year, respectively. The expense from transportation to the STOU prior to the new normal was averagely 2,092.68, 8,950.93, and 17,371.43 Baht/year, respectively. The average frequency in receiving of the information about long distance learning was 8.09, 10.50, and 12.09 time/year, respectively. The duration for distance learning of the bachelor degree students was 09.01-12.00 AM. Regarding the master degree students and doctorate degree students, the duration was between 18.01-20.00 PM. The equipment used for distance learning in the new normal era revealed that, overall, at the highest level were such as smartphones (for connecting to the internet)and Line group application from students. 2) The readiness of students in new normal distance learning, overall, of bachelor, master, and doctorate students, was at the high level in all 8 aspects such as (1) the openness to the learning opportunity; (2) optimism; (3) the keen to learn; (4) the conceptualization in being effective learner; (5) the responsibility toward learning; (6) the learning initiation; (7) the ability to adopt basic skill in the study to solve the problems; and (8)creativity. Regarding the readiness in the learning environment, overall, it showed that it was at the highest level as well as the high level in (1) the support from the family; (2) agencies; (3) ability in the use of media and technology; (4) the utilization of tools and equipment ready to use; (5) the separation of time in the study; (6) the readiness of funding for education. 3) The opinions regarding the readiness of the curriculum for distance learning in new normal era, overall, were at the highest level and high level such as the readiness of the main media, additional media, the study from research and academic resources, participation, and service in learning.

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