Cost and Benefit Analysis of Rice Production, Pho Ngam Subdistrict, Sankhaburi District, Chainat Province

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Chaiyut Mansamut
Suvichark Aroonluk
Chulaluk Talubnak2
Chantharat Phitchayaphon
Siros Tongchure
Ittidej Seangpoung


       This research aims to analyse the cost and return of rice cultivation, Pho Ngam Subdistrict, Sankhaburi District, Chainat Province. 138 households was calculated using the Cochran formula for samples. Data was collecting during March–December 2023. Questionnaire was used to analyze cost and return of rice production of farmers in crop year 2021/2022. The statistics used to characterize the data are frequency, mean, and percentage.

       The results of the study found there were average rice yields of 816.11 kg/rai, with 5,387.93 baht/rai average production costs, including 4,571.81 baht/rai (84.85%) of labor costs, 1,582.72 baht/rai of preparing area (29.38%), weeding/pest/disease management with 1,010.73 baht/rai (18.76%) and fertilizing with 692.89 baht/rai (12.86%). Moreover, there were 816.11 baht/rai (15.15%) of input costs, such as seeds, chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides and so on. There were 6,163.37 baht/rai, with average total profit of 775.44 baht/rai. Rice production was divided into 3 parts: consumption of 151.36 kg/rai, storage for next crop of 13.23 kg/rai , and selling to market of 771.00 kg/rai. Most of farmers sold their products to rice mill.

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