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This research had objectives to 1) investigate the personnel of the Office of the National Water Resources’ opinions on organization climate and organization development to the government 4.0, 2) compare opinions of organization development to the government 4.0, and 3) examine relationship between factors related to organizational climate and organization development to the government 4.0 of the office of the National Water Resources, under Office of the Prime Minister. The study was conducted by a quantitative method with questionnaires distribution and data collection. The samples of the study were 220 personnel of the Office of the National Water Resources. Statistics was used in the analysis, such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t - test, One - Way ANOVA, Fisher’s Least Significance Difference : LSD, and Pearson Correlation, at the 0.05 level of significance.
The results of the study revealed that most of personnel of the Office of the National Water Resources indicated that the organization development to the government 4.0 with high level (= 3.86, S.D. = 0.56). The results of the study found, although different factors of every personnel, such as gender, age, education level and type of position, different opinions on organization development to the government 4.0 are not found according to the assumptions. However, personnel who have different time for working have different opinions on organization development to the government 4.0, which does not follow the assumption. Moreover, that factors of theoretical concepts of Stringer (2002), totaling 6 areas,6 dimensions, consisting of organizational structure, work standards, responsibility, acceptance, aspect, support, and commitment. All aspects were positively related (r = 0.828) to the viewpoints of personnel of the Office of National Water Resources, in developing the organization towards organization development to the government 4.0, which is in accordance with the assumptions.
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