The Development of Area-Based Management Model for Small-Size Schools, Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 5


  • Theerasak Huangsri Educational Administration, Sripatum University Khonkaen
  • Wirat Charoenchua Educational Administration, Sripatum University Khonkaen


The developed model, Area-based management, Small-size schools


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the current conditions, desirable conditions 2) establish verification/suitability 3) assess the suitability and usefulness of area-based management models for small size schools in Khonkaen primary educational Service Area Office 5. The sample of research were 273 people consisted of school directors, teachers, and the chairmen of the committees of basic educational school. The instruments for collecting the data were 1) current condition questionnaire; desirable conditions and necessities 2) interview form 3) group focus recording 4) suitability and feasibility assessment 5) suitability and usefulness assessment. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and needs with PNImodified index values.

The results of this research found that:

  1. The current condition is at a large level overall. Desirable conditions, overall, at the highest level and needs of area-Based Management for small-size schools in descending order of essential needs: 1) having a common goal 2) developing local learning resources 3) social responsibility 4) decentralization 5) participation.
  2. The suitability of area-Based management models for small-size schools is at a high level, and the probability is at the highest level.
  3. The suitability and usefulness of the area-Based management model for small-size schools was found that very suitable and the most useful.


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How to Cite

Huangsri, T., & Charoenchua, W. (2024). The Development of Area-Based Management Model for Small-Size Schools, Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 5. Academic Journal of MBU Lanna, 13(2), 55–65. retrieved from



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