Application of Buddhist Principles to Promote Public Participation in Waste Management of Duphong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Santisuk District, Nan Province
Application of buddhist principles, Public participation, Waste management, Du phong subdistrict administrative organizationAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) study the level of public participation in waste management 2) study the relationship between the 7 principles of imperishable truth and waste management 3) study the application of the 7 principles of non-perishable Dhamma to promote public participation in waste management of Du Phong subdistrict administrative organization, Santisuk district, Nan province, the research method was a combination of methods. data were collected from 362 samples using a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The qualitative research data were collected by in-depth interviewing 10 key informants using the interview script and analyzed by descriptive content interpretation.
The results of this research found that:
- The level of public participation in waste management is at a moderate level.
- The relationship between the 7 principles of imperishable morality and waste management has a positive relationship with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.
- The model of applying Buddhist principles to promote public participation in waste management consists of 5 parts: 1) knowledge is the search for knowledge to transform waste into a participatory model 2) innovation is the application of new knowledge or inventions to suit the context of the area 3) buddhist principles is the driving force of activities that have projects, formats, and community activities to manage waste with participation according to Buddhist principles from various activities 4) participation is the creation of joint power through cooperation in the community 5) evaluation is the evaluation of the results of the participatory waste transformation of Du Phong subdistrict administrative organization, Santisuk district, Nan province.
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