Management Factors Affecting The Effectiveness of Local Administrative Organizations In Nan Province

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แดนไทย ต๊ะวิไชย
สานิต ศิริวิศิษฐ์กุล
อนันต์ ธรรมชาลัย


The research aimed to study the effectiveness of local administrative organizations in Nan province and the management factors that affecting their effectiveness . The samples were 233 of the Chief Administrators, Division Directors, and Section Chiefs of 100 local administrative organizations in Nan province that were collected by using quota sampling technique. The questionnaire was used as research instrument. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression at statistical significance level of .01. The results were as following: 1) the overall effectiveness of the local administration organizations was high    ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.62) and 2) the factors affecting 80% of their effectiveness were that of administration management and control at the statistical significance of .01.

Keywords: management, administrative effectiveness, local administrative organization in Nan province

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How to Cite
ต๊ะวิไชย แ., ศิริวิศิษฐ์กุล ส., & ธรรมชาลัย อ. (2018). Management Factors Affecting The Effectiveness of Local Administrative Organizations In Nan Province. ARU Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 17–24. Retrieved from
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