The Apostolic visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis have influenced the attitudes and mental growth of young people.

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Kommala Suriyapongpraphai​
Montawat Kitsawad
Rev.Asst.Prof.Dr.Aphisit Kitcharoen
Saranyu Pongprasertsin
Rev.Asst.Prof.Wasan Pirulhwong
Rev.Dr.Surachai Chumsriphun
Rev.Wittaya Lerttanongsak
Rev.Tassama Kitprayoon


Subject research: The Apostolic visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis have influenced the attitudes and mental growth of young people. This is an exploratory research.  For the purpose;  1) Study the attitude of the youths towards the Apostolic visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis.  2) Study the mental growth of youth from the Working Summary of the post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of the Pope Francis, “Christus Vivit”, dedicated to the young and the Sermon of Pope Francis to the youth at the Assumption Cathedral on November 22, 2019. 3) Study the relationship between the attitude towards his visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis on the experience of welcoming Pope Francis. 4) Study the relationship between the mental growth of youth and the perception of Pope Francis' teachings about youth.  5) Study the relationship between the attitudes towards his visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis and the mental growth of the youths.  Sample group of 456 Catholic youths from various dioceses in Thailand obtained from a cluster sampling.  A questionnaire on the attitude towards his visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis.  It was a 6-level measure of 30 items and a questionnaire on the mental growth of the youth, a 6-level estimate of 25 items. The statistics used in this research were percentage (Percentage), mean (M), Standard deviation (SD.), Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation.

The results showed that:

  1. Youths who had different experiences of welcoming Pope Francis between 20-22 November 2019 had a statistically significant difference in attitude at the .05 level.

  2. Youths who recognized of Working Summary of the post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of the Holy Father Francis “Christus vivit”, dedicated to the young, and Pope Francis' sermons, differently, showed a statistically significant difference in mental growth at the .05 level.

  3. Pope Francis' attitude towards his Apostolic visit to Thailand and his teachings are related to the experienced welcome of Pope Francis. Between 20-22 November 2019, there were statistically significant at the .05 level. (r = .176)

  4. The mental growth of the youth is related to the perception of teachings and insights about the youth. From Pope Francis  Statistically significant at the.05 level. (r = .110)

  5. The attitude towards Pope Francis' visit to Thailand  between 20-22 November 2019, there is a relationship with the mental growth of the youth,  statistically significant at the .05 level. (r = .725).

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How to Cite
Suriyapongpraphai​, K., Kitsawad, M., Kitcharoen, A., Pongprasertsin, S., Pirulhwong, W., Chumsriphun, S., Lerttanongsak, W., & Kitprayoon, T. (2021). The Apostolic visit to Thailand and the teachings of Pope Francis have influenced the attitudes and mental growth of young people. Saengtham College Journal, 13(2), 58–84. Retrieved from
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