The Cost Reduction of The Rice-Mill by Using Green Logistic and Supply Chain The Cost Reduction of The Rice-Mill by Using Green Logistic and Supply Chain
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The purposes of this study were to studies 1) the problems of environmental logistics management of rice mills in Sing Buri province. 2) the factors affecting logistic management. 3) guidelines for cost reduction for the rice mills by using environmental logistic operations. The researcher used the qualitative study by exploratory study by In-depth interview from the rice mill operators. The examples are specific to the operators and the mill owner. Group discussions also included a farmer who was bringing rice to sell to the rice mill which totally 9 people. In this study, the researcher uses data analysis through content analysis, context analysis, And descriptive analysis. The study indicated that, the problem of the beginning was from Farmers do not pay much attention to environmental issues. they have been experimented, but not successful, and the yield is down, so the original chemical is back to used. In the middle of the process, it is found that rice mill operators have the concept of logistics management for the environment in the factor, by using modern machine, using conveyor systems to makes the error less. The use of raw materials left to make the benefit for the operation. Factors affecting logistics management for the environment. The main factor influencing environmental logistics management for the rice mills is the cost. Because some activities require a very high investment, such as using a conveyor belt, treatment ponds, etc. The second is the human factor. It is a must in order to cultivate the consciousness of all workers under the 3Rs principle. The guideline to reduce the cost of rice mills is to apply the 3Rs principle to operate from the upstream such as farmers, middle processes, rice mills, and reduce the use of recycled materials. In addition to protecting the environment, it is also a process to reduce the operating costs of rice mills in the long run.
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