Analyze The Laws and Regulations for Providing Justice for Children and Youth Drug Offenders of Different Ages

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Suwanna Khundiloknattawasa


     The purpose of this research was to analyze the laws and regulations for providing justice for children and youth who are drug offenders of different ages. The sample group consisted of 60 samples who experienced in dealing with children and youth who involving in drugs sentences, consisting of investigators, Juvenile prosecutor, Juvenile and Family Court, Juvenile Observation and Protection Center, Criminal Records Registration Division, Office of Police Forensic Science, Center for Medical Sciences, Provincial Social Development and Human Security, and legal advisor. The research tools included in-depth interview and content analysis was conducted in data analysis.

     The results showed that 1) Children under 10 years old must act in accordance with Section 73 of the Criminal Code and immediately coordinate with the competent official under the Child Protection Law. 2) Children over 10 years but not over 15 years under Section 74 of the Criminal Code stipulates that the child was not punished. This includes fines under Section 18 (4) of the Criminal Code. And in submitting the investigation file to the public prosecutor, there must be a report showing facts concerning the child or youth of the Child and Youth Detention and Protection Center in the investigation file, And 3) children over 15 but under 18 years of age, the process of reporting allegations and questioning children or youths. The law places more emphasis on legal counsel than parents, guardians, persons or representatives of the organizations with whom the child or youth resides and the investigation of arrests. The law stipulates that it is the duty of investigators to bring children or young people to investigate for arrests. In which case, it should be a police officer who arrests a child or youth because they know and understand the details of the facts better.

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How to Cite
Khundiloknattawasa, S. (2022). Analyze The Laws and Regulations for Providing Justice for Children and Youth Drug Offenders of Different Ages. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University Journal, 13(3), 141–156. Retrieved from
Research Article


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