Expanding Coaching Model with 3P&E to Strengthen English Language Management Learning Competencies Based on Eclecticism of Primary School Teachers in Thailand


  • Anucha Khaengkhan Faculty of Education, Suan Dusit University, Bangkok, 10300 Thailand


English Language Learning Management Competencies, Primary School Teacher, Eclecticism, Instructional Coaching, Peer Coaching


This research aimed 1) to implement Coaching Model that consists of instructional coaching and peer coaching with a mechanism to drive 3P&E coaching process including 4 steps: Step 1 Preparing, Step 2 Planning, Step 3 Performing and Step 4 Evaluating, and 2) to expand the results to strengthen English language learning management competencies based on Eclecticism of primary school
teachers in Thailand. The sample included 36 primary school teachers selected by multi-stage sampling method from 4 regions in Thailand consisting of the Northern, the Northeastern, the Central and the Southern Regions. Three teachers from 3 schools in each region were selected. The training results were evaluated by an evaluation form of English language learning management competencies based on Eclecticism. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test which is non-parametric statistic to compare the scores of competencies in each aspect before and after the training. The qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis
to interpret and create analytic induction. The case study research method was employed for analysis. The results showed that (1) the level of English language learning management competencies based on Eclecticism of all primary school teachers after the training was higher than that before the training at a statistical significance of .05 (2) the English language learning management competencies
based on Eclecticism of all primary school teachers resulting from the qualitative data analysis was at level 3 competent level or above.


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How to Cite

Khaengkhan, A. (2023). Expanding Coaching Model with 3P&E to Strengthen English Language Management Learning Competencies Based on Eclecticism of Primary School Teachers in Thailand. ASEAN Journal of Education, 9(2), 1–10. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJE/article/view/271798



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