The Investigation of Eastern Pre-service Teachers’ Teaching Behavior Using Internet-based Learning to Teach Digital Native Students


  • Kusalawat Kongpradit Faculty of Education, St Theresa International College, Nakhon Nayok, 26120 Thailand
  • Arunwaratchaya Bayolsineesayom Faculty of Education, St Theresa International College, Nakhon Nayok, 26120 Thailand
  • Pongthep Jiraro Faculty of Education, St Theresa International College, Nakhon Nayok, 26120 Thailand


Teaching Behavior, Pre-service Teachers, Internet-based Learning,, Digital Native Students, the Eastern Part of Thailand


Digital native students who have high technological competences particularly Internet-based technologies and pre-service teacher who is soon to be a teacher must be progress on advancement and sophistication to new technologies for teaching and mentoring to the next generation. The research data was collected from 836 respondents in six education faculties of the Eastern HEIs (Higher Education Institutions), Thailand via Google form of 5 rating scales questionnaire consisted of respondent data, technological competency, level of technological knowledge and the perception of teaching behavior using ICT. The data was analyzed by t-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient method. The research results found that (1) preservice teachers have highest digital competency and have digital knowledge at very good level, (2) their teaching behavior by using ICT at much more level, (3) the Eastern pre-service teachers of the diploma program on the teaching profession had teaching behaviors using digital technology level higher than the freshmen level, (4) the Eastern pre-service teachers at University A had teaching behavior using digital technology level higher than the pre-service teachers at the other Eastern universities, and (5) the pre-service teachers’ knowledge and competence on digital technology positively related to the teaching behavior using digital technology.


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How to Cite

Kongpradit, K., Bayolsineesayom, A., & Jiraro, P. (2023). The Investigation of Eastern Pre-service Teachers’ Teaching Behavior Using Internet-based Learning to Teach Digital Native Students. ASEAN Journal of Education, 9(2), 37–46. retrieved from



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