Effectiveness of Funding Models in Promoting Quality Education and School Management: Insights from the Indonesian School of Bangkok
Educational financing model, Quality of education, School managementAbstract
Funding is a critical factor in enhancing the quality of education. Annually, budgets are allocated by the government, school committees, and parent groups to support school renovation and human resource development. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an educational financing model that supports school quality improvement and school management. A qualitative case study approach was employed to gather comprehensive, systematic data on the financing model used by the Indonesian School of Bangkok, focusing on processes and implementation outcomes. The management team applied a human capital model to optimize educational financing, thereby positively influencing productivity and enhancing student and teacher quality.
The findings revealed that financial contributions from the government, school committees, and parent groups were distributed as follows: curriculum division (28.07%), student affairs division (36.65%), public relations division (11.97%), and facilities and infrastructure (23.31%). The study also highlighted that the financing model effectively met the school’s primary objectives, aligning with planned programs and regulatory guidelines. Specifically, the effectiveness of the funding allocation was observed as follows: curriculum division (28.39%), student affairs division (35.96%), public relations division (11.43%), and facilities and infrastructure (24.22%). These findings underscore the importance of sustained financial support, coupled with program monitoring and evaluation, to enhance educational outcomes. Future studies could extend this research to further contribute to educational quality.
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