Reading and Writing Problem-Solution of Students from Mae Kue Wittaya School under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area one: Grounded Theory Study

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ปณิธิ ทองคำ
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ไพศาล วรคำ
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ปิยะธิดา ปัญญา


         This study is a qualitative research in which Grounded Theory Study was used. This current study therefore aims to investigate reading and writing problem- solution. The participants were students from Mae Kue Wittaya School under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area one. The purposes of this study were: 1) to investigate reading and writing problems of Mae Kue Wittaya students, 2) to investigate reading and writing problem of Mae Kue Wittaya teachers, and 3) to study the results of using reading and writing problem- solution used by Mae Kue Wittaya teachers.

           The findings were presented as follows:

           1. Problems in relation to reading consist of consonant spelling, vowel, tone marks, and word reading problems. Writing problems include consonant spelling, vowel, tone marks, writing format, word spelling, and sentence writing. The cause of the problem was dived into three aspects which are learners, teachers, and parents.

           2. The problem-solving processes contain ten steps: 1) assigning people involved in this project to be a problem-solving team, 2) categorizing students by using placement test based on reading and writing proficiency levels, 3) creating a network with parents, 4) designing lesson, 5) preparing the lessons for 12 weeks or 48 hours in total, 6) preparing teaching materials by integrating handmade teaching materials or videos, 7) teaching in class following the plan, 8) following students learning development by using collaborative- parenting process, 9) reporting to the principal and the research team every 3 weeks in order to find out problems, anticipation, and solutions, and 10) having students to test by using the aforementioned placement test.

          3. The results of using reading and writing problem- solution reveals that the learners could remember the consonant, vowel, and tone marks. Therefore, they gained development in word spelling accuracy and sentence writing. Post-test score was considered as an indicator regarding students’ learning development. The overall post-test score was 38.54 percent which was increased significantly. In addition, another factor contributing to the learning development was the process of collaborative parenting. The students were trained at home so that they achieved great reading and writing achievement.

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How to Cite
ทองคำ ป., วรคำ ผ. ด., & ปัญญา ผ. ด. (2018). Reading and Writing Problem-Solution of Students from Mae Kue Wittaya School under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area one: Grounded Theory Study. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 87–99. Retrieved from
Research Article


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