The Development Process of English Listening-Speaking Skills through Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV Students

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สุธาสินี น้ำใจดี
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ปิยะธิดา ปัญญา
ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ไพศาล วรคำ


         The objective of this research was (1) to develop process of English listening and speaking skills using Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV students (2) to develop plans of development process of English listening and speaking skills by using Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV students  which was effective with criterion 70/70 (3) to compare English listening and speaking skills before and after using the development process of English listening and speaking skills through Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV students. This research performed in two phases. Phase I: Development process of English listening and speaking skills using Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV students, the target group was 5 experts on English teaching and the tool was structured interview. Phase II: Try out process of English listening and speaking skills through Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV students, the target group was 20 Prathomsuksa IV students of Nonthonwitthaya school and the tools used in this phase include (1) plans of development process of English listening and speaking skills using Multimedia for 5 plans,(2) listening skill test and (3) speaking skill test. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and Hotelling T2.

           The research findings were as follows:      

           1) Development process of English listening and speaking skills through Multimedia there were 3 procedures as follows (1)Presentation (2) Practice (3) Language Usage

           2) Plans of Development process of English listening and speaking skills through Multimedia got efficiency as 76.08/76.17

           3) The students who studied with development process of English listening and speaking skills through Multimedia had listening and speaking skills after learning higher than before learning at the .01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
น้ำใจดี ส., ปัญญา ผ. ด., & วรคำ ผ. ด. (2018). The Development Process of English Listening-Speaking Skills through Multimedia for Prathomsuksa IV Students. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 100–112. Retrieved from
Research Article


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