The Result of Remedial Activity for Master of Education Program in Educational Administration Students Who Absent from Learning Learners’ Affairs and Activities Administration Subject by Using Social Media

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ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เอนก ศิลปนิลมาลย์
พระครูสังฆรักษ์ไชยรัตน์ ชยรตโน, ดร.


         The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the result of remedial activity for Master of Education Program in Educational Administration students who absent from learning Learners’ Affairs and Activities Administration subject by using social media, 2) to compare the pre-test and post-test scores with their learning from remedial activity  of students who absent from learning Learners’ Affairs and Activities Administration subject by using social media, and 3) to study their satisfaction with their learning from remedial activity by using social media. The purposive sample consisted of 20 students studying in the academic year 2018at Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus. The research instruments were : social media of group line and email, pre-test and post-test with 0.95 reliability, and a satisfaction questionnaire between 0.67 – 1.00 of IOC(Index of Item Objective Congruence). Statistics in analyzing the data were arithmetic mean, standard deviation, IOC, and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test.

           The results of research were found that:

           1. All of 20 students had group line and email. They were absent sometimes at 61 times, by the average of 3.05. They played group line 320 times, by the average of 40 times per a student. They sent email 42 times, by the average of 2.1 times per a student. They were absent because of being on duty as a civil servant as highest. Other reasons had been measured as high in the descending order of mean, namely business and sickness. The reasons of playing group line in the descending order were chatting, asking, and sending message. The reasons of writing email in descending order were sending homework, sending knowledge, and fixing the work.

            2. In comparing the pre-test and post-test scores with their learning from remedial activity of students who absent from learning Learners’ Affairs and Activities Administration subject, by using Wilcox on Signed Ranks Test, found that the average post-test score was significantly higher than the average pre-test score at the .05 level.

             3. Regarding satisfaction, the study revealed that their average satisfaction with their learning from remedial activity by using social media in the overall was high. Considering by single one found that they satisfied information and communication technology the highest. Others in descending order were the environment of learning and content.

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How to Cite
ศิลปนิลมาลย์ ผ. ด., & ชยรตโน, ดร. พ. (2018). The Result of Remedial Activity for Master of Education Program in Educational Administration Students Who Absent from Learning Learners’ Affairs and Activities Administration Subject by Using Social Media. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 113–125. Retrieved from
Research Article


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