The Model of Behavioral Development in Democratically Political Expression of Citizens in North-Eastern Region of Thailand
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The purpose of this research is to study the theoretical framework and behavioral levels regarding democratically political expression of people in north-eastern region of Thailand, to analyze and examine the linear relationship model of political expression of people in the certain area regarding the democracy, to develop and evaluate the behavioral model and to publish the study model as well as knowledge information.
Research tools to evaluate the behavior model regarding democratically political expression of people in north-eastern region of Thailand consist of questionnaires collecting data from 400 people with voting rights. Out of the total, 20 people are political activists. The fundamental descriptive statistics and the study of causal factors influencing political expression of people in north-eastern part regarding the democracy were employed to explain relationship among factors that affect people’s political behaviors by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with statistically significant level at 0.05.
The research results reveal levels of opinion towards political expression of citizens in north-eastern part. The overall level is low. When considering each aspect. It was found that there were 2 aspects of political claims and political support. At least 2 levels are at the push of public policy and anti-government. In descending order, the political support was the highest Second, the political claims were moderate. Later, the anti-government at the same level, the most behavioral levels are the pushing of public policy. The structural model of the behavior model regarding democratically political expression of citizens in north-eastern region of Thailand are consistent with empirical data. Because of the harmony of the model overall found that the chi-square test (Chi-square) with statistically significant level at .05 (P = 0.076; < 0.05), this is a defined criterion. When considering a defined group index at a level greater than or equal to 0.90, it finds all indexes, including CFI = 0.911, TLI = 0.969, through the respective criteria. The index is defined at the level of less than 0.05 found that the index SRMR = 0.048, RMSEA 0.010 through criteria such as the same. Conclusion of the structural model of the behavior model regarding democratically political expression of citizens in north-eastern region of Thailand derived from the conceptual framework is in harmony with the empirical data. The assessment model of political behavior. In summary, model of the behavior model regarding democratically political expression of citizens in north-eastern region of Thailand from this research can be used to appropriately the highest level.
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