The Model of Development Quality of Life According Path Dhamma of Inmates

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ดร.ดิลก บุญอิ่ม


          This research, There are 3 objectives, 1) to study the opinions about development the quality of life according path Dhamma of inmates. 2) To study the development process the quality of life according path Dhamma of inmates. 3) To  synthesize and propose model of development the quality of life according path Dhamma of inmates. It is a  research by method merge Both quantitative and qualitative. Respondents are inmates Already in Lampang Correctional Institution For Drug Addicts number 291 people. Group  Interviewees are monk, prison officer, and relatives of the inmates, Total number 9 people.

           The research found it that : Opinions about development of quality of life according path Dhamma of inmates, There maximum mean of each side is, Side having  kindness to the people around is, Inmates should support friend join destiny everyone give they seek advancement in develop oneself with good wishes(gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.30). Side of honesty in the organization people and jobs is, Inmates should intend internship assigned with integrity, transparency, verifiability (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.37). Side having patience to train yourself to be strong is, Inmates should promote themselves and their colleagues by training them knowledge in profession regularly(gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.38). Side of the show of sacrifice for communal services is, Prisoners should always be ready to cooperate in work for public benefit (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.31).

           The Process develop of quality of life the according path Dhamma of inmates, found it that, Inmates should have good human relations, Build goodwill With sympathy per friends join fate, and with kindness, supportive per group, should be honest per the organization, People and Job  by to have sincerity duty in act duty as assigned  full by ability, and act as a good example,  should have patience and strong to the crisis, by to show commitment, diligent in performing duties at assigned, and having steady in spirit, and should sacrifice serve the public by making self-useful, show readiness to work together for the common, abide the principle of benefit sharing.

          Model of development of quality of life, Inmates should show good human relations per human around side, by the support to friend  join all fate  have seeking advancement in self-develop by best wishes, should have honesty to organizations, individuals and jobs, by intend in the internship is assigned with integrity, transparent, can detect, should show perseverance in self-training, give have patience  and strong, by how to promote self-development and friends join work in side of profession always, and should show sacrifice, and create Benefit to public, by the way counseling  inmates new by use verbal at polite, gentle, and behave towards new arrivals with generosity.

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How to Cite
บุญอิ่ม ด. (2019). The Model of Development Quality of Life According Path Dhamma of Inmates. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 201–210. Retrieved from
Research Article


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