Creative Leadership of School Administrators that Affects Effectiveness of Schools under Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization
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The objectives of this research were l) to study creative leadership of schools administrators that affects effectiveness of schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization, 2) to study the relationship between creative leadership of school administrators and the effectiveness of the schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization and 3) to create a predictive equation of creative leadership of school administrators that affects effectiveness of schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization. The sample group was selected through a stratified random sampling consisting of 230 school administrators and teachers in the schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization. A questionnaire with 5-level rating scale and a reliability coefficient of 0.813 was used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed by mean of using a computer program for frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.
The findings show that:
1. Creative leadership of school administrators in the schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization, as a whole, was at a “high” level, whereas the aspect of “having vision” showed a “highest” mean score, and the aspects of ”flexibility” and “adjustment”, and “creative thinking” respectively were next in significance, while the aspect of “having imagination” showed a lowest mean score. The effectiveness of the schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization, both overall and by each separate aspect, were at a “high” level, while the aspect that showed the highest mean score was the ability to solve in-school problems, and the ability to adjust and develop schools and the ability to develop positive attitude in the students, respectively, were next in significance, and the aspect that showed the lowest mean score was the ability to produce school graduates with high learning achievement scores.
2. The relationship between creative leadership of school administrators and the effectiveness of schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization was at a “high” level on all aspects. It also points to a positive relationship at the 0.01 level of statistically significance.
3. Creative leadership of school administrators that affects effectiveness of the schools under KhonKaen Provincial Administrative Organization include “having vision” (X4), “having imagination” (X2), creative thinking (X1) the multiple correlation coefficient was 0.841 which was at the 0.01 level of statistically significance, the predictive coefficient was 70.70 (R2 = 0.707). These could be expressed in an equation of unstandard and standard scores as
Unstandardized Score Predictive Indicator
i = .943 + 0.444(X4) + 0.164(X2)+ 0.155 (X1)
Standardized Score Predictive Indicator yi = 0.518ZX4 + 0.193ZX2 + 0.173ZX1
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