Development of Instructional Package entitled ‘Five Basic Buddhist Precepts of Moral Practices and Five Dhammas’ of the Department of Social Studies, Religion and Culture for the Third Year Secondary Students of Banphungwittayakom School, Nakhon Phanom Province
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The aims of this research were: 1) to study the development of the Buddhist instructional package entitled ‘Five Basic Buddhist Precepts of Moral Practices and Five Dhammas’ of the third year secondary school students; 2) to study the satisfaction of the students with the mentioned Buddhist instructional package. The population of this research included 32 of the third year students in Banphungwittayakom School, Nakhon Phanom, semester 2, 2018, selected by the purposive sampling. The tools used in this study were: the instructional package with the Buddhist teaching method, an educational effectiveness test and satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were: Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.
The research results were as follows:
1) The effectiveness of the instructional package mentioned above showed its mean score of 178.00/ 200 (82.75%) obtained by the evaluation of the worksheet and behavioral evaluation in the group work during the learning process and the effectiveness value of the student behavioral change after using the Buddhist instructional package evaluated by the educational effectiveness test was 17.25/20 (84.07%). The learning management by using the developed Buddhist instructional package entitled ‘Five Basic Buddhist Precepts of Moral Practices and Five Dhammas’ had its effectiveness value of the process/outcome at 82.75/84.07 which was consistent with the criterion 80/80 as determined.
2) In regards to the developed Buddhist instructional package, the studied students in Banphungwittayakom School had the basic knowledge of ‘Five Basic Buddhist Precepts of Moral Practices and Five Dhammas’ based on the pretest at the moderate level (mean score = 10.73) and the mean posttest score was at 17.25. So that, the posttest score of the students was higher than that of the pretest at the statistical significance value of .01.
3) The mean score the satisfaction of the students with the mentioned Buddhist instructional package in overall was at 4.87, classified by the five studied aspects: Instructional technique, Instructional Activities, Contents and Measurement and evaluation, the overall mean score of theses aspects were at a high level.
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