An Application of the Four Principles of Iddhipada to the Performances of Personnel Attached to Sub-District Municipalities in Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province

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พันจ่าเอก ณรงค์ ก้านจักร
ดร.ไพรัช พื้นชมภู


           The thematic paper served the purposes:  1) to study municipal personnel’s application of Buddhism’s fourfold accomplishments (Iddhipada) to their duty performance sub-district municipalities in Kaset Wisai district, Roi Et province 2) to draw comparisons between their application as such and their different genders, ages and educational levels, 3) to collect their suggestions for their application to their duty performance. The sampling groups employed for the research were 114 personnel from all municipalities, setting the sampling size through Taro Yamane’s table. The research instrument was the five-rating scale questionnaire with each question possessing IOC the reliability at 0.92 The statistics for data analyses encompassed frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, and F-tests (One-way ANOVA).

          Research findings have found the following outcomes: 1) Municipal personnel’s application of Buddhism’s fourfold accomplishments to their duty performance have been rated at the high scales in the overall aspect, as has a single aspect taken into consideration. Of all four aspects ranked in the descending order of means, they embrace administrative performance, task performance, general service performance, and recipient service performance respectively. 2) The hypothesis testing results have shown that personnel with such different variables have applied Buddhism’s fourfold accomplishments to their performance at the same scales in both aspects, which are not conducive to the established hypotheses. 3) Their suggestions for their application have been recommended in the descending order of first three frequencies that personnel should stringently apply: vimansa (careful investigation) in a bid to enhancing their performance of services, citta (thoughtfulness) to having them pay their regular and full attention to their services, and viriya (effort) to exerting much more assiduity and patience to their assigned tasks.

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How to Cite
ก้านจักร พ. ณ., & พื้นชมภู ด. (2018). An Application of the Four Principles of Iddhipada to the Performances of Personnel Attached to Sub-District Municipalities in Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 8(2), 49–57. retrieved from
Research Article


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