Developing a Program to Strengthen Teachers in Enhancing Student's Self-Esteem for Schools under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 27

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Pornchit Sornkosa
Lakkana Sariwat


         The objectives of the research were to 1) study elements of student’s self-esteem 2) study the current and desired situations of student’s self-esteem 3) study teacher develop method for enhancing student’s self-esteem and 4) developing a program to strengthen teachers in enhancing student's self-Esteem. The research divided into 4 phases, the first phase was study elements of student’s self-esteem to assessed the suitability of elements by 5 luminaries, the second phase was study the current and desired situations of student’s self-esteem collected data from 360 class teachers and teachers of secondary schools under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 27, the third phase was study teacher develop method for enhancing student’s self-esteem key performance were administrators and teachers from 2 pilot schools, and the fourth phase was developing a program to strengthen teachers in enhancing student's self-Esteem for schools under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 27 to assessed the suitability and possibility of program by 5 luminaries. Descriptive statistics used in this research were mean, mainly percentage and modified priority needs index.

          The result were found:1)The elements of student’s self-esteem including 4 elements were self-reliance self-confidence accepting yourself and others emotional management.2)The current situations of student’s self-esteem overall aspects were at moderate levels, desired situations of student’s self-esteem overall aspects were at high levels. 3)Teacher develop method for enhancing student’s self-esteem from 2 pilot schools were knowledge training, internal supervision, informal meeting, and job training.4)The result of developing a program to strengthen teachers in enhancing student's self-esteem for schools under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 27 including 7 elements as follow; 1) program context 2) program plans and 3) implement activities. The result of program suitability assessed overall at high level, and the program possibility assessed overall at highest level.

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How to Cite
Sornkosa, P., & Sariwat, L. (2019). Developing a Program to Strengthen Teachers in Enhancing Student’s Self-Esteem for Schools under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 27. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 69–80. Retrieved from
Research Article


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