Physical Activities Management According to Moderate Class More Knowledge Policy Among Primary Schools in Krabi Service Area Office

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Maitree Yata
Rajasyed Tengkusulaiman
Peerapong Noopayan


          The objectives of the research article were to study the condition of the physical activity management according to the moderate class, more knowledge policy among elementary schools of Krabi Educational Service Area. The samples of this study were 147 physical Education teachers who were chosen by multi-stage sampling method. In this research, The instrument used to collect the data are questionnaire consisted of checklist and open ended questions. the IOC index of content validity was ranged between 0.67–1.00, while a whole reliability of the questionnaire as shown by the Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.73. The statistics for the data analysis are frequency and percentage.

          The findings showed that: most of elementary schools underlining the Krabi Educational Service Area are small schools,  and continuously organized the physical activities on the football field according to the schools’ policies. The schools always utilized the 30 minutes period of time before class, 5 days a week for organizing the physical activities as mentioned. The participants were divide by class levels of study. The recreation and games were chosen as the health promotion activities consisted of physical health, emotion health, and mental health according to the handbook. However, this study also found that the weather conditions were the important obstacle of the activity.

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How to Cite
Yata, M., Tengkusulaiman, R., & Noopayan, P. (2019). Physical Activities Management According to Moderate Class More Knowledge Policy Among Primary Schools in Krabi Service Area Office. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 435–447. Retrieved from
Research Article


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