Village Names of Ethnic Groups in Thai-Cambodian Borderland In Surin Province

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Praweena Prapansri
Banyat Salee


         The objective of this research paper is to study the history, characteristics of village naming and the relationship between village name and ethnic society in the Thai-Cambodian border area. Surin Province. The researcher studied concepts, theories, and documents from Carole Hough's Names and Naming books, published by OXFORD University press, published in 2016, and research related to village naming. Study village names in the research area from government documents. Department of Local Administration Ministry of Interior. Data analysis The researcher analyzed the data regarding the history of the village naming conventions. And the relationship between village name and ethnic society in the Thai-Cambodian border area Surin Province Present the research results by descriptive analysis.

          The results of the research showed that : 1. the history, characteristics of village naming, village naming of people in the Thai-Cambodian borderland Surin province is named after the relation to the context that appears in the area such as Natural vegetation Location and direction The relationship is related to the origin and meaning of the village name. 2. The relationship between the name of the village and the ethnic society in the Thai-Cambodian border area Surin province found that Village names are related to culture. Regarding housing choices, such as setting up water sources at upland, Pa Khok, Pa Dong, and setting up trees that are important in occupations such as farming, farming, zoos, and trading. Beliefs about the meaning of auspicious words in traditions include Offering alms to monks Songkran Festival And the village names are related to the border ethnic groups Relocation and settlement, such as relocation and resettlement due to war, migration and settlement of various ethnic groups Regarding the change of the village name, the old house had bad meaning, the former house had an epidemic. And change according to government policies.

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How to Cite
Prapansri, P., & Salee, B. (2020). Village Names of Ethnic Groups in Thai-Cambodian Borderland In Surin Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 9(2), 531–540. Retrieved from
Research Article


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