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The objectives of the research were (1) to create and verify the quality of A development of comprehensive English reading curriculum by using SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students, and (2) to study the result of the curriculum for enhancing the ability of comprehensive English reading using by SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students. This was the pre-experimental research. The design was the one-group Pretest-Posttest design. Simple cluster sampling methodology was used to sample the school under Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. A group of medium-sized primary schools, Thoen District, Lampang Province which has 4 school groups. Got a group of Thoen 2. The result of the sampling was 18 grade 5 students in 2nd semester academy year 2023 at Maewawittaya School. The instruments used for data collection were the curriculum, the curriculum instructions, tests for ability of comprehensive English reading. The data were analyzed by average ( ), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test dependent.
The results revealed that: 1. A development of comprehensive English reading curriculum by using SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students consists of 7 components which are 1) background 2) principles 3) objectives 4) content in the curriculum including 5 units such as 1st Home & Happiness 2nd What’s Up Guys? 3rd Love You Pets! 4th Take A Short Break and 5th Fest. & Fantasy and percentage 5) teaching activities 6) teaching resources 7) assessment and evaluation. The average of the curriculum appropriateness and the overall of the curriculum instructions appropriated were at high level. 2. The results of using A development of comprehensive English reading curriculum by using SQ6R method with the active learning technique for grade 5 students was found that the posttest score was higher than the pretest at the significant level of .05.
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