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This research has the objectives 1) to study the new style of public management in operations, 2) to study the factors affecting the new style of public management in operations, and 3) to Study New Public Managementnew approaches in the performance of community leaders in Udon Thani Province. Use a mixed methods research method by quantitative and qualitative Full stop Tools used includes Questionnaires and interviews Sample group: 400 people. Statistics used include: Basic Statistics Average and standard deviation percentage multiple regression analysis is an advanced statistical technique, summarizing and interpreting descriptive analysis.
The results of the research found that (1) the New Public Managementnew approach in the performance of community leaders in Udon Thani Province is at a moderate level arranged in order from highest to lowest as follows. The highest value is good governance at a moderate level followed by creating quality services is at a moderate level and managing money and budgets is at a moderate level, respectively. (2) Factors affecting the New Public Managementnew approach in the performance of community leaders in Udon Thani Province Statistically significant at the .05 level are participatory administration (X1), community development (X3), and creative thinking (X5). All 3 independent variables have coefficients of the predictors. In raw scores (b), they were 2.128, .326, and -.534, respectively and (3) there should be good governance for the happiness of the people in the community with quality participatory management by relying on network partners to take part in planning, coordinating and creating more quality services. And there should be brainstorming to manage money and budgets with transparency and accountability for the well - being, and happiness of the people in the community effectively.
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