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The purposes of this research article were to study the Public Administration structure and the state power in emergency management mechanisms during the COVID-19 outbreak in Songkhla province. The study is a qualitative method by using data collected from the main resource namely an official documentary, ordering, and notifications which were related to the control of disease regulation. This data is brought to analysis as significant goals.
The research findings show that the government structure in ruling state power during the COVID-19 emergency defined the specific Public Administration structure form as follows 2 sets 1) Committee of Disease Control of Songkhla Province 2) Committee of COVID-19 Emergency Management Center of Songkhla Province which has public servants from others public sectors. As for the character of state power during the COVID-19 outbreak, Songkhla province is using state power of two committees namely, by a mechanism for operations that is linked to the overall situation assessment of the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA). The Governor of Songkhla Province has the sole authority to receive orders from the central working group and use them to set the framework for the operation. Announcing the implementation of various measures within the area. Songkhla Province has announced the implementation of 4 main measures: 1) measures to reduce movement by adhering to social distancing measures 2) measures to close places at risk of spreading germs 3) Measures to control entry into Songkhla Province 4) Measures to prohibit individuals from leaving their homes during specified periods.
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