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The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the application of King’s Philosophy in the operation of the student support system Kalasin Special Education Center 2) to compare the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education Center, and 3) to collect recommendations for the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education, The target group consisted of 107 administrators, classroom teachers, and caregivers for disabled children of Kalasin Special Education Center. The research tool was a questionnaire Statistic used in data analysis was percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test and F-test (One-way ANOVA). When the differences were found, the pairwise heterogeneity teat was performed using Scheffe’s method.
The results of the study recommendations showed that: 1) The condition of the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education Center overall and individual aspect was at a high level. 2) The comparative results of the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, Kalasin Special Education Center found that administrators, classroom teachers, and caretakers of disabled children with different positions, applying the King’s science in the operation of the student care system overall, there was no difference. Administrators, class teachers, and caretakers of disabled children with different ages, there was an application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system both overall and individual aspects were not different, and administrators, class teachers, and caretakers of disabled children with different work experience, there was an application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system both overall and individual aspects, the difference was statistically significant at the 0.05 level. 3. The results of the study recommendations the application of King’s Science in the operation of the student support system, found that: 3.1 knowing student individually: there should be a home school relations project which it will create a close relationship with parents such as, student home visits, individual interviews, and parent meetings which will create teachers understand students more 3.2 student screening: should coordinate cooperation with all parties to participate in student screening 3.3 promotion and development: parents should be informed about the importance of promoting and developing students by meeting parents and explaining the importance of the promotion and development approach for parents to know the student’s behavior, guidelines to promote, and develop your child’s behavior was shared with teachers, counselors, and other parents 3.4 prevention and problem solving: training and knowledge should be organized for class teachers, caretakers of disabled children on guidelines for preventing and solving student problems, class teachers, and caretakers of disabled children, equal intimacy should be given to all students, and 3.5 referral: should have contact with parents of students through online or regular meetings for as to solve the problem in the next step.
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