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Supakorn Chalongpak
Pattamawadee Chansuwan


The Research Forn Buang Suang: The faith artificial drama and soft power generation. the objectives are 1) to study the beliefs and the creation of light power in the sacrifice dance, 2) to study the form of the artificial dance in the sacrifice dance. It is qualitative research. By means of a documentary study and collecting data from field observations and interviews. The tools used for data collection were observational forms and interview forms. from a group of knowledgeable people of 3 people, a group of practitioners of 20 people, and a group of general people of  20 people. The results of the data analysis were presented by descriptive analysis.

The results of the research showed that the sacrificial dance was an artificial dance that was created to be used as a communication tool by using the body. facial expressions and words overseen voice Composing produces literary arts that are aesthetically pleasing to listen to. to express the thoughts, feelings, and needs of actors who play roles in the space that determines the style of the performance Both ordinary and fine contents are both realistic and imaginative. Sacrifice dance has been used as a communication tool between people. Sacred things and society by communicating according to beliefs and rituals. Sacrifice dance has a long history as the foundation that is cultural capital, becoming soft power. which is known and appreciated by people all over the world when combined with the power and potential of Thailand's creative industries that consists of talented Thai artists Skilled and expert behind-the-scenes team and government support It will create opportunities and push creative industries to bring income to the country and drive the Thai economy. Sacrifice dancing is also the creation of a light power that drives the spread of culture to be reproduced and culture to be a tradition in all areas of the community. And can also create incentives for many groups of people with different races, occupations and social status to express their faith, with "drama" as the driving force want their own.

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How to Cite
Chalongpak, S., & Chansuwan, P. (2024). FORN BUANG SUANG : THE FAITH ARTIFICIAL DRAMA AND SOFT POWER GENERATION. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 180–194. Retrieved from
Research Article


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