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Chinnawat Sripol
Wu Huanglien
Sahatsawat Suwannatrai
Pitchaya Rawipan


This research has the following objectives 1) To develop a learning management plan using a Chinese character writing skills practice format with an effectiveness criterion of 75/75 2) To compare Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the writing skills practice format before and after learning 3) To study the satisfaction of students with the learning activity of Chinese character writing skills. The sample group for this research consists of 30 first-year students majoring in Chinese language teaching at the Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, in the first semester of the academic year 2022. The sample was randomly selected using Cluster Random Sampling. The research tools used include 1) Learning management plan for Chinese character writing skills (3 plans) 2) Test form to measure Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the writing skills practice format 3) Questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with the learning activity of Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the writing skills practice format Statistical analysis includes percentages, averages, and standard deviations.

The research findings indicate that 1) The development of Chinese character writing skills in stroke order using the practice format has an effectiveness score of 78.10/83.67, meeting the established criteria 2) The ability to write Chinese characters in stroke order using the practice format is higher after learning compared to before learning, exceeding the 75% criterion 3) Overall, student satisfaction with the learning activity of Chinese character writing skills is at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Sripol, C., Huanglien, W., Suwannatrai, S., & Rawipan, P. (2024). DEVELOPING CHINESE CHARACTER WRITING SKILLS USING EXERCISES TO PRACTICE WRITING CHINESE CHARACTERS. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 195–206. Retrieved from
Research Article


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