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Kanokpol Kittipanyasiri
Chanchira Choomponla


The purposes of this study were to study and compare the modeling skills of Mathayom 3 students learning with MORE learning supplemented with concept maps on the subject of electric fans. The sample group used in this research was 20 grade 9 students. This study design was one-group pretest-posttest design. The research tools consisted of 1) a MORE learning plan supplemented with concept maps on the topic of electric fans, 2) a modeling skills test, which was a subjective test. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, percentage and hypothesis test for compare conceptual understanding of food nutrients and digestive system after learning higher than before by t-test for dependent sample.

The results of this study showed that the mean score for Issue 1; simulated drawing was 3.15 (78.75%), the result was in a 'good' level. The mean score for Issue 2; complete writing was 2.55 (63.75%), the result was in the 'moderate' level. Overall, the mean score for modeling skills was 5.70 (71.25%), the result was in the 'moderate' level. When comparing the mean score of modeling skills with the post-learning criterion of not less than 70%, it was found that students had statistically significant higher modeling skills in Issue 1 - complete simulated drawing - compared to the criterion of not less than 70%, at a significant level of .01. However, in Issue 2 - complete writing of the workflow - their skills were lower than the criterion of not less than 70%. Overall, their post-learning modeling skills were higher than the criterion of not less than 70%.

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How to Cite
Kittipanyasiri, K., & Choomponla, C. (2024). MORE LEARNING SUPPLEMENTED WITH A CONCEPT MAP ON ELECTRIC FAN TO ENHANCE MODELING SKILLS OF GRADE 9 STUDENTS. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 255–266. Retrieved from
Research Article


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