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Phra Amonthep Buddabuut
Somdej Namket
Phramaha Prateep Aphiwattano


The purposes of this research are (1) to study the cultivation of virtue and morality’ students in accordance with the Buddhist way (2) to study the cultivation of virtue and morality of students of Nikomsangtoneng School, Chiengpin 1, Bourban Subdistrict, Nong Vourso District, Udonthani Province and 3) to propose the way to cultivate virtue and morality of students of Nikomsangtoneng School, Chiengpin 1 Nongbourban Subdistrict, Nongvourso District, Udonthani Province. This is qualitative research by studying documents and interviews. Data analysis was done using descriptive analysis.

The cultivation of students’ virtue and morality in accordance with the way of Buddhism is the development of human beings to be perfect in body, mental and wisdom by the principle, that is, 1) to have virtue and morality in the fame of the significant Dhamma in Buddhism 2) to universal knowledge in managing the life problems 3) to have good physical health by assistance of exercise and sport playing 5) to love the nation and to be aware of the Thai and world population and to be conscious of protecting the culture. Local intelligence, and Thai intelligence. 2. The cultivation of the students’ virtue and morality in Nikomsangtoneng School, Chiengpin 1, Nong Bourban Subdistrict, Nongvorso District, Udonthani Province 1) to create the participation with the temples and the experts in order to build up the medias for learning and teaching 2) to provode simple meditation training for students and suitable for them in the third class in the primary school 3) to train personnel who take responsibility for the ethics is organized in order to create knowledge and ability in learning and teaching. 3. The guideline for cultivation of students’ virtue and morality in Nikomsangtoneng school, Chiengpin 1. Nongbobauban Subdistrict, Nongvosor District, Udonthani Province is found that 1) the teaching teachers will focus on cultivating the virtue and morality and insert the virtue and morality in every subject while students emphasize on the practice with other development in physical, verbal and mental expression and to provide the activities related to Dhamma 2) the format of cultivation in the educational institute by focusing on the management of institutional curriculum related with virtue and morality. The students’ virtue and morality are cultivated in the educational institute by focusing on participative learning both creating the curriculum of educational institution related to virtue and morality 3) that students pay respect to the teachers or not depends on the teachers, that is, the teachers’ goodness to express with consciousness by having the goal that it is good action and the students focus on the application for solving the social problems for a long length and to be able to cultivate the consciousness by cultivating from school but the format of good behaviors must be cultivated from family and schools.

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How to Cite
Buddabuut, P. A., Namket, S., & Aphiwattano, P. P. (2024). A STUDY OF GUIDELINE IN CULTIVATING VIRTUES AND MORLITY OF STUDENTS IN NIKOMSANGTONENG SCHOOL CHIENGPIN 1. IN NONG BOUBAN SUBDISTRICT, NONG VOURSO DISTRICT, UDONTHANI PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 344–355. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/277840
Research Article


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