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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the potential of Thai postal services in the digital age in Khon Kaen Province, 2) to study the factors influencing the potential of Thai postal services in the digital age in Khon Kaen, and 3) to study the potential development guidelines. Thai postal services in the digital era in Khon Kaen Provincethe samples used in the research were people, government agencies. 400 Entrepreneurs in the Khon Kaen area. The target groups used in the research are: Information contributors from government informants a group of information providers from government officials and people, who received services, amounting to 10 people. The research tools were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used in the research were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis using sequential variable selection method for discussion of results and descriptive data analysis.
The research found that: 1. the potential level of Thai postal services in the digital age in Khon Kaen Province, the dependent variables in all aspects were at a moderate level. 2. Factors influencing the potential of Thai postal services in the digital era in Khon Kaen Province on demand significantly include the comfort aspect of the(X4) Safety(X3) and economical(X1) the three independent variables had predictive coefficients in raw scores (b) of .416, .276 and .040, respectively. 3. Guidelines for developing the potential of Thai postal services in the digital age in Khon Kaen Province. There should be a potential service provider. There is an organizational culture instilled in employees. Service is guaranteed and creates a vision and experience in management Create a service rate suitable for the convenience of the office that is sufficient to meet the needs by arranging customer service equally to create a service potential with a cost-effective time-of-delivery that meets the promised reliability requirements with equality to meet demand. of customers efficiently build safety ease of contact and establish a standard of service that is urgent to impress customers who respond to the plaintiff in usingImpressive service and create a service system for product safety in using the waiting time to ensure that it is safe and comfortable to satisfy the use of effective contact channels for services to property or Safety and can prevent potential hazards in the service to create safety for customers.
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