Main Article Content

Jun Xu
Pak Thaldumrong


Thailand is one of the most preferable real estate markets among Southeast Asia countries, citing
the advantages of geographical location; natural conditions; moderate level of economic development;
suitable social and cultural environment; and superior medical and educational resources. The study aims
to investigate the relationship between the influencing factors and the purchase objectives of Chinese
property buyers so as to provide some useful information for Chinese buyers and some insights for local
real estate industries and financial institutions.
Based on literatures, eight factors (i.e. price; housing loan policy; location; facilities; tax policy;
architectural design; service level; and brand and reputation of developer) were proposed. The research
employed quantitative method to test the hypotheses on the relationship between influencing factors and
objectives of property purchase. Data were collected through questionnaires. The research reveals that
there are only six influencing factors comprising of price; housing loan policy; location; tax policy;
architectural design; and brand and reputation of developer. The study further suggested that Thai
government should adopt moderate policies to attract competent Chinese to work and live in Thailand,
and at the same time avoid setting entry barrier too low to prevent speculation and short-term arbitrage.
The developers should build up their reputation and design attractive residential products according to
the segment. The sales companies should develop marketing strategies in response to consumer preferences.

Article Details

How to Cite
Xu, J., & Thaldumrong, P. (2018). FACTORS AFFECTING PROPERTY PURCHASE DECISION OF CHINESE PEOPLE: A STUDY OF CONDOMINIUM MARKETING THAILAND. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 2(1), 37–50. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CJSSM/article/view/178753
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