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Kai Shao
Boxiang Lu


In the modern era, new changes have taken place in teachers’ teaching and students’ learning. As a result, this new era has proposed better requirements for education and teaching activities. In order to adapt to the new requirements, education must also pose new challenges to teachers. This must arouse the enthusiasm of teachers at the compulsory education stage to the greatest extent, thereby effectively improving the performance of their work. In this study, psychological capital was the independent variable, teachers’ job performance was the dependent variable, and teachers’ creative work behavior was the mediating variable. Four hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed, and 387 were effectively recovered (86%). The proportion of male and female teachers interviewed was 42% and 58%, respectively. From the impact of the teachers’ work performance, it was concluded that psychological capital had a positive impact on the teachers’ job performance and teachers’ creative work behavior, whereas teachers’ creative work behavior had a positive impact on teachers’ job performance, and creative work behavior had a mediating effect. The results provided a certain reference value for the education administrative department and primary and middle schools’ administrative departments.

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How to Cite
Shao, K., & Lu, B. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL ON TEACHERS’ JOB PERFORMANCE IN COMPULSORY EDUCATION. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 6(1), 1–14. retrieved from
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