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Hong Zhang


This article aimed to explore the formation mechanism of work-family conflict-type roles and to find conflict resolution strategies. The research site was in Bangkok, Thailand. In-depth interviews with 20 interviewees were conducted through video and audio methods. Based on the grounded theory, this article first used the 5W1H theory to formulate the interview outline, then used the in-depth
interview method and NVivo qualitative analysis software for data analysis, and finally used the grounded theory to establish a theoretical framework. Based on this, the formation mechanism of work-family conflict-type roles was established. The rank sum test was used to test the significance, and the previous qualitative analysis results were combined to draw a conclusion. The study found that
when the mental pressure accumulated by work and family interacted with time conflict, the conflicting role of work and family would emerge immediately. For employees, adjustment methods at the social level were also better than those at the individual level. Simultaneously, the company's incentive policy had a positive effect on alleviating the conflict between work and family. Furthermore, this article used the four quadrants of the time management theory to establish an effective work-family conflict
resolution strategy, which supplemented the existing literature and provided new ideas for fundamentally resolving employee work-family conflicts.

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How to Cite
Zhang, H. (2022). THE FORMATION MECHANISM AND COUNTERMEASURE STRATEGIES OF CONFLICT ROLES BETWEEN WORK AND FAMILY. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 6(1), 132–145. retrieved from
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